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Writer's pictureiryna vesela

What you resist, persists...

"What you resist not only persists, but will grow in size." – Carl Jung

Have you ever noticed how the more you try to push away stress, anxiety, or negative emotions, the stronger they seem to become? It's like they have a life of their own!

What if what you’re resisting is already a part of you, or you’re part of it?

Consider this: there's a not-so-complimentary trait in your family that you wish you didn't have. Do you think resisting something that’s inherently a part of you can solve the problem? Most likely, it will be a waste of lifetime and energy. If you don't recognize it, it will come back even stronger.

What if, instead, you take a close look at it from the beginning and try to see it not as a "curse" but as a source of inspiration or strength?

In a Body Talk session, the practitioner helps you see the bigger picture behind the “persisting monster.” They guide you to understand what your BodyMind can accept as part of yourself and honor it or, with the powerful tool of awareness, dissociate from the negative trait.

Resisting a problem isn't about a lack of willpower; it’s usually tied to the fear of acceptance. When you embrace, face, and learn from it, the problem you fight against can transform into a powerful tool for self-healing and growth.

Otherwise, you'll keep encountering what you resist, and it will grow bigger each time.

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